Mutta baijerisukka on edennyt hieman. Mallikuvio tulee helpommaksi kun sitä tekee pidemmän aikaa (kah, ylläri), mutta ei se vieläkään mitään aivotonta tv-neulontaa ole, vaikka sen edessä sitä tuleekin tehtyä.
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But the bayerische sock has progressed somewhat. The pattern gets easier when you make it a few times (wow, what a surprise there) but it's still not brainless tv-knitting even though that's how I do most of my knitting.
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But the bayerische sock has progressed somewhat. The pattern gets easier when you make it a few times (wow, what a surprise there) but it's still not brainless tv-knitting even though that's how I do most of my knitting.
Lankana minulla on Regia 4-fach. Uusi tuttavuus minulle ja...mitäpä tästä sanoisin. No, väri on todella ihana, juuri minun värini, mutta (aina pitää tulla se mutta)...lanka hajoaa helposti neulottaessa. Varsinkin terävät metallipuikot halkovat langan helposti jos ei ole tarkkana ja hikiset sormet nöyhtäyttävät hieman sen pintaa. Ei sitä varmaan huomaa tuosta kuvasta, mutta ainakin tuossa ribbipalmikon kierroissa ei mielestäni ole sellaista terävyyttä kuin niissä voisi olla. Mutta sukka etenee.
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As a yarn I'm using Regia's 4-fach. It's a new one for me and...well..what to say. The colour is absolutely gorgeous, just how I like it, but (there's always the but)...the yarn splits easily. Particularly sharp metal dpns split it quite quickly if one is not paying attention and sweaty fingers blur the surface of the yarn somewhat. You probably can't tell from the picture but I feel that the ribby cable turns are not as crisp as they could be. But I'm chugging along.
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Ja jonain lähipäivänä mietin kyllä nämä blogilabelit uusiksi...
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And one of these days I'm re-thinking these labels...
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As a yarn I'm using Regia's 4-fach. It's a new one for me and...well..what to say. The colour is absolutely gorgeous, just how I like it, but (there's always the but)...the yarn splits easily. Particularly sharp metal dpns split it quite quickly if one is not paying attention and sweaty fingers blur the surface of the yarn somewhat. You probably can't tell from the picture but I feel that the ribby cable turns are not as crisp as they could be. But I'm chugging along.
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Ja jonain lähipäivänä mietin kyllä nämä blogilabelit uusiksi...
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And one of these days I'm re-thinking these labels...