Sain tänään paketin salaiselta ystävältäni Ruotsista (minäkin otan osaa Nordisk Hemmelig Venn-systeemiin). Ja tarkemmin sanottuna Marikalta. Ja mitäpä paketista löytyi? No, ensinnäkin kolme kerää tiilenpunaista Debbie Bliss wool/cotton-lankaa. En tiedä vielä mitä langasta tulee, mutta kaunista tuo on kovin.
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I got a packet today from my secret friend from Sweden (I'm taking part too in the Nordic Secret Friend-swap). And to be more precise, it's from Marika. And what did I find inside said package? Well, first there were three balls of Debbie Bliss wool/cotton yarn. I don't know yet what I will make of it but is is lovely yarn.
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I got a packet today from my secret friend from Sweden (I'm taking part too in the Nordic Secret Friend-swap). And to be more precise, it's from Marika. And what did I find inside said package? Well, first there were three balls of Debbie Bliss wool/cotton yarn. I don't know yet what I will make of it but is is lovely yarn.
Sitten sieltä tupsahti näitä: itsetehtyjä neulemerkkejä, kokonaista viisitoista kappaletta! Kauniita nekin ovat, kiitoksia kovasti ei-enää-niin-salainen ystäväni :-)
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And then came out these: handmade stitchmarkers, a whole fifteen of them! The are beautiful, thank you so much my not-so-secret-anymore friend :-)
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And then came out these: handmade stitchmarkers, a whole fifteen of them! The are beautiful, thank you so much my not-so-secret-anymore friend :-)
Neulontarintamalla on hiukan hiljaista. Missä välissäpä sitä oikein olisin ehtinyt kutoa kun joka ilta melkein on jossain riekuttu? Mutta sainpa tehtyä kissalle lelun Marjutin ohjeen mukaan. Tosin en neulonut mitään hörhelöitä siihen mukaan, mielessä on vielä liian hyvin edellinen episodi kun kissa oli nuoleskellut nukkaa sisäänsä. Putki ei mielestäni ihan täydellisesti huovuttunut enkä sitten oikein saanut tilsittyä sinne kissanminttua kunnolla sisälle, niinpä leikkasin raa'asti siihen keskelle reiän. Menoa ei moinen tuntunut haittaavaan ja pötkylää höykytettiinkin oikein innolla.
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Knitwise it's been a bit slow. How am I supposed to knit when I'm somewhere after work almost every night? But I made a cat toy form Marjut's blog. Though I did not knit any fuzzy yarn to it because I was thinking of the previous episode with fuzz-ingestion. The tube felted a bit unevenly and I did not manage to stick the catnip inside so I brutally cut a hole in the middle. But it did not seem to matter, however, and the tube was really given a whomping.
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Knitwise it's been a bit slow. How am I supposed to knit when I'm somewhere after work almost every night? But I made a cat toy form Marjut's blog. Though I did not knit any fuzzy yarn to it because I was thinking of the previous episode with fuzz-ingestion. The tube felted a bit unevenly and I did not manage to stick the catnip inside so I brutally cut a hole in the middle. But it did not seem to matter, however, and the tube was really given a whomping.

Tarkkasilmäisimmät ovatkin varmaan jo tässä vaiheessa huomanneet että blogissani on taas kuvia. Mitenkäs se nyt on sitten mahdollista kun kamera kerran on Hannulla matkassa? Noh, iltana eräänä istuessani tässä koneella siirsin katseeni hiukan etuvasemmalle ja siinähän se nökötti, kamera. Eipä se ollutkaan matkailemassa. Senhetkiset tunteeni pystyn parhaiten kuvaamaan käyttämällä Homer Simpsonin kuolematonta ilmaisua: D'oh!
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Those of you with keen eyesight have probably noticed by now that there's pictures in my blog again. And how is that possible then when the camera is abroad with Hannu? Well, one evening while I was sitting here at the computer I moved my eyes a bit to the front left and there it was, the camera. It wasn't abroad at all. My feelings at that particular moment can be best expressed by using the immortal expression of Homer Simpson: D'oh!
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Those of you with keen eyesight have probably noticed by now that there's pictures in my blog again. And how is that possible then when the camera is abroad with Hannu? Well, one evening while I was sitting here at the computer I moved my eyes a bit to the front left and there it was, the camera. It wasn't abroad at all. My feelings at that particular moment can be best expressed by using the immortal expression of Homer Simpson: D'oh!
I'm glad you liked the package!
The yarn is so soft, so maybe it could be made into a scarf?
Salaisessa ystävässä on hauskaa myös nähdä näitä mitä oma lahjakohde lähettää, oma pakettini siis meni Marikalle. :)
Kuinka paljon se kissanlelu muuten suunnilleen painoi? ;)
Marika: yes, a scarf is one option...and I'm also considering socks. Something nice and lacy to wear in spring/summer when it's cool. And boy, was last summer cold or what! Could have needed those then.
Kristel: 10 grammaa...wohoo!!
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