Noniin, nyt on taas kuvia. Ensimmäisenä kauan lupaamani kuva äitini pikkujoulupuserosta kaikessa komeudessaan. Kuva on otettu parvekkeella ja bonuksena mukana ovat myös varpaani. Pusero on vieläkin samassa tilassa, koska en ole saanut itseäni kiinnostuneeksi kiinniompelemisesta. Ehkä pelkään että se näyttää oudolta. Onhan tämä sentään ensimmäinen "Niinan päästä"-neule. Mutta se on menossa vastaanottajalleen parin viikon päästä, joten siihen mennessä sen pitäisi olla myös kasassa. Onhan tässä vielä aikaa.
So, pictures again. First I present to you my mom's party thing in all its glittery glory. The picture was taken in our balcony and as a bonus I've included my toes in it also. The sweater is still as it is because I haven't been bothered to put it together. Maybe I'm afraid it'll look wonky after all this is the first "straight out of Niina's head" knit I've made. But I'm supposed to give it to its recipient in about two weeks so I should have it finished by then. Plenty of time yet.
So, pictures again. First I present to you my mom's party thing in all its glittery glory. The picture was taken in our balcony and as a bonus I've included my toes in it also. The sweater is still as it is because I haven't been bothered to put it together. Maybe I'm afraid it'll look wonky after all this is the first "straight out of Niina's head" knit I've made. But I'm supposed to give it to its recipient in about two weeks so I should have it finished by then. Plenty of time yet.
Seuraavaksi vuorossa on Debbie Bliss-kietaisupuseron alareuna. Tämmöisen kelttisolmurivin siihen sitten väsäsin. Malli on aika yksinkertainen, mutta koska en kirjoneuleita ole liiemmälti tehnyt niin päätin aloittaa yksinkertaisesta. Ihan tarpeeksi hankalan oloista se on tämmöiselläkin mutta onneksi ei mitään kauheata silmukoiden kiristymistä tai muuta ole havaittavissa. Nyt neule lepäilee laakereillaan kun rupesin paniikissa neulomaan Mexico-huivia.
Secondly I've got the bottom of the Debbie Bliss wraparound top. I got this celtic knot pattern on it. Simple pattern really, but since I haven't knit much with more than one colour (excluding stripes) I decided to KISS it. And it feels plenty awkward anyhow. Now it's resting comfortably by the sofa since I started my Mexico-scarf.
Joka on tässä. Kauhean hyvää kuvaa siitä ei saanut, nähtävästi taas osasin valita langan joka ei keinovalosta ollenkaan tykkää. Ehkä minun pitäisi keskittyä neulomaan moisia vain kesäisin. Mutta tässä kuitenkin jonkinlainen käsitys pinnasta. Pääsin sentään jo toiseen lankakerään (ja kaksi on vielä jäljellä).
And here it is. I didn't get a good picture of it, seems like I've picked another yarn that doesn't perform well in artificial lighting. Maybe I should knit those only in the summertime. But I hope you can get some kind of idea of how the knit looks like. And I've made it to the second ball (I've got two more left).
And here it is. I didn't get a good picture of it, seems like I've picked another yarn that doesn't perform well in artificial lighting. Maybe I should knit those only in the summertime. But I hope you can get some kind of idea of how the knit looks like. And I've made it to the second ball (I've got two more left).

Toivottavasti huvin neulominen sujuu vähän liukkaammin nyt kun sain 9mm:n pyöröpuikot. Hassu tarina sikäli, että pyysin avokkiani hakemaan minulle Menitasta kullanväriset Addin pyöröpuikot. Hän sitten soitti minulle sieltä ja kysyi kokoa ja samalla mainitsi että niitä ei sitten enää tehdä. Minähän tästä huolestuin että eikö Addi Turboja enää tehdä? Asian oikea laita paljastui sitten iltasella kun sain puikot. Ne olivat todellakin kunnolla kullanväriset (Turbothan ovat semmoiset kullan/hopeanväriset), kullatut puikot. Niitä ei Addi enää tee, koska ei kannata, kullan hinta on kuulemma liian korkea. En edes tiennyt että he moisia tekevät. Näissä kun ei edes ole sitä kullanväristä joustavaa kaapelia vaan ihan tavallinen muovinen kieroutuva versio. Noh, ainakin minulla on kullatut puikot. Kuinka ylellistä!
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Hopefully the knitting will go a bit more smoothly since I got 9mm circular needles. A funny story, really, since I asked my bf to pick me gold-coloured Addi's from my local LYS. He then phoned me to ask me what length I'd like and mentioned that they don't make them anymore. I got worried by this alarming bit of information. What, no Addi Turbo's anymore? The true nature of the problem was revealed in the evening. The needles were really golden (the turbo's are a kind of mixture between gold and silver to me). Gold plated actually. And these are the ones that Addi doesn't make anymore since the price of the gold is too high. I didn't even know they made such needles. And these are without the nice flexible gold-coloured cable. Just your ordinary plastic bendy one. Well, at least I have gold-plated needles. How luxurious is that!
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Hopefully the knitting will go a bit more smoothly since I got 9mm circular needles. A funny story, really, since I asked my bf to pick me gold-coloured Addi's from my local LYS. He then phoned me to ask me what length I'd like and mentioned that they don't make them anymore. I got worried by this alarming bit of information. What, no Addi Turbo's anymore? The true nature of the problem was revealed in the evening. The needles were really golden (the turbo's are a kind of mixture between gold and silver to me). Gold plated actually. And these are the ones that Addi doesn't make anymore since the price of the gold is too high. I didn't even know they made such needles. And these are without the nice flexible gold-coloured cable. Just your ordinary plastic bendy one. Well, at least I have gold-plated needles. How luxurious is that!
1 comment:
Kaikkea sitä onkin! Kultapuikot! Ei voi sanoa kuin että jo on menoa neulontarintamalla. Ja niistä kulta-hopeaisistakaan en ollut ennen kuullutkaan. Mutta nyt tiedän, kiitos sen että minua on valistettu.
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