
Ei onnistu, ei - Nope, it doesn't work

Yhteys Helloon siis. Harvoin minulla on ongelmia ko. ohjelman kanssa ollut, mutta nyt taitaa olla yksi niitä päiviä. Joten ei kuvia. Eipä silti, ei minulla mitään kauhean ihmeellistä näytettävää olisikaan ollut kun olen neulonut melkein vaan vanhoja juttuja.

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Connecting to Hello that is. I rarely have problems with it but this seems to be one of those days. So no pictures. Not that I have anything that interesting to show anyhow since I've been knitting the old stuff mostly.

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Mitäpä olen tehnyt viime päivinä:

  1. Taikajakun toinen hiha etenee mukavasti, olen päässyt jo puolivälipisteen paremmalle puolelle. Kohta voisi saada jopa valmiin neuleen kuvia tänne.
  2. Mystery shawl 2 tökkii pahasti. Tein kolmannen vihjeen loppuun ja tutkiskelin valmiiden huivien kuvia. En pidä. Taidanpa purkaa mokoman ja keksiä jotain muuta käyttöä langalle. Ehkä Ene's scarf tai pikkuinen liivi, tulisipa käyttöä paitapuseroillekin.
  3. Eris on vielä samassa puolikauluksellisessa tilassa missä se on ollut jo viimeiset N viikkoa. Sille pitäisi tehdä jotain. Kun taikajakku on valmis palaan taas siihen, lupaan mä.
  4. Hana-huivissa pitäisi ottaa käyttöön toinen kerä. Etenee siis hitaasti mutta varmasti.
  5. Olen tehnyt huovutuskokeiluja Tallinnasta joskus ostamastani Maali-langasta. Huopuu kyllä mutta vaatii rankkaa pesukonekäsittelyä. Aloitin jopa juttua Ullan joululiitteeseen mutta se piti purkaa kun en osannut jakolaskuja (10/5 ei todellakaan ole 2.5).
Päätän raportin neuletehtaalta tähän.

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What I've been up to lately:

  1. The second sleeve of the magic cardi is progressing nicely and I've reached the better side of the half-way point. So you could expect pictures of a finished product soonish.
  2. The Mystery Shawl 2 is not going well. I've finished the 3rd clue and looked at finished shawls at the yahoo site. Don't like them. I will probably rip it and think of something else to do with the yarn. Maybe Ene's scarf or a small slipover thing. Then I'd be able to use some of my blouses.
  3. Eris is still in its sad half-finished-collar-state as it's been about N weeks. Something should be done with it. After the magic cardi is finished I'll start with it again, I promise.
  4. Have to find the second ball of yarn so that I may continue with the Hana scarf. It's coming along slowly but surely.
  5. Have been doing some felting experiments with some Maali-yarn I bought from Tallinn a while ago. It does felt nicely but requires some serious washing machine treatment. I even started knitting the Ulla chrismas number thing but had to rip because I couldn't handle my divisions (10/5 is really not 2.5).
I'll end my report from the knit workshop here.


jodi said...

An ignorant knitting question:
What is meant by felting? I saw something on television but after watching the segment still couldn't figure it out. The woman put her knitting in the washing machine. It looked the same as when she started.

Niina said...

Jar: felting (in knitting) means that you knit with a yarn that felts. Then you put it into a washing machine (or you can felt by hand also, but it takes lot more work) and lo, out comes a felted thing. It shrinks somewhat, depending on the yarn used, usually 30-40%, the surface looks uniform, you can't really see the individual stitches anymore and it feels more dense. You can make lovely mittens, hats, bags, slippers etc. this way.

You can also felt without knitting but that is another story altogether :-)