And there's yarn coming in through the woodwork. Now just look at this!
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Ihmettelijöille tiedoksi: kyllä, osallistun -10% projektiin, mutta nämä onkin hankittu ennen kyseisen tapahtuman alkua. Mutta mitäpä lautaselta löytyy? Sain omituisen himon virkata jotain ja virkkauslankaetsinnöissäni törmäsin Noroon. Sitä kyllä tavallisesti neulotaan, mutta tässä onkin kyseessä Noro Daria, puuvillalanka rayon-kuorrutuksella. Ja voi sitä kiiltoa! Tässä on ehdottomasti sellainen lanka josta kannattaa pitää huolta neuletapaamisessa jos sen sattuu sinne näytille viemään koska "mulle tämä heti"-vaikutus on valtava. Eipä tuosta välttämättä viitsisi mitään päälläpidettävää tehdä, mutta siitä tulee virkattuja pussukoita tai peräti laukku. Lisäksi lautasella koreilee kolmea väriä Hjertegarnin Blend Bamboo-lankaa (70% bambua, 30% puuvillaa), hiekanväristä on enemmän ja mustaa ja vaaleansinistä kumpaakin yksi kerä. Kun nyt halvalla sai.
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And first for those who wonder: yes, I'm still taking part in a stash-reduction project but these I acquired before such an event started. But what's on the plate today? I got an odd urge to crochet something and in my quest for the perfect crochet yarn I came across Noro. Not something you'd normally associate with crocheting, but this Noro happens to be Daria Multi, a cotton yarn with rayon coating. Oh, that shine! This is definitely one of those yarns that you should keep an eye on should you happen to take it to a knit meet for other to fondle for the "I want this!" -factor is very high for this yarn. I wouldn't want to do anything to wear from this but should be just perfect for a crocheted bags. Also on the plate is Hjertegarn's Blend Bamboo (70% bamboo, 30% cotton). I have sand-coloured yarn a bit more and black and pale blue one each. It was a bargain, really.
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And first for those who wonder: yes, I'm still taking part in a stash-reduction project but these I acquired before such an event started. But what's on the plate today? I got an odd urge to crochet something and in my quest for the perfect crochet yarn I came across Noro. Not something you'd normally associate with crocheting, but this Noro happens to be Daria Multi, a cotton yarn with rayon coating. Oh, that shine! This is definitely one of those yarns that you should keep an eye on should you happen to take it to a knit meet for other to fondle for the "I want this!" -factor is very high for this yarn. I wouldn't want to do anything to wear from this but should be just perfect for a crocheted bags. Also on the plate is Hjertegarn's Blend Bamboo (70% bamboo, 30% cotton). I have sand-coloured yarn a bit more and black and pale blue one each. It was a bargain, really.
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Muutamia aika huimia ideoita!
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